Why is my hair breaking…

Why is my hair breaking off? I wish there was a blanket answer but we hope to give you the most information possible for you to get your hair back to it’s healthiest condition.

At Hairspa & Co in Lafayette Indiana, we believe that healthy hair is not only the most beautiful but the easiest for you to manage too. Our hair changes so often that it’s important that we understand why.

We know what you’re thinking, they are about to sell me $300 worth of products just like everyone else and my hair still won’t be back to normal. Although we do believe a great product regimen is important we think we have to find the source first.

At Hairspa & Co we have a few questions about the health of your hair before we can diagnose why it’s actually breaking….

  • Do you blow dry your hair or air dry?
      • If you answered air dry, STOP right there! Your hair is in its most fragile state when it is wet. Therefore it is important that you blow dry your hair to prevent overstretching and compromising the integrity of the hair. I know, I know, we have told you to avoid heat but with the right products your blow dryer will cause far less damage than air drying any day.
  • Did you change your diet in the last 6-12 months?
      • anything that affects your metabolism (food you put in or cut out) can also affect your hair. We find high protein diets to particularly be harder on the hair unless you are consuming healthy fats and plenty of water. Nonetheless, it will still affect your hair until your body regulates to this new lifestyle.
  • Have you changed medicines in the last 3-12 months?
      • Diabetes, SSRI, ozempic, heart medicines, thyroid, hormones…all of these medicines affect your metabolism and also affect your hair condition. Your hair is simply dead cells form inside your body. Therefore, as we shed those cells the affects of them affect the condition of our hair. Your stylist can assist you with the best home regimen to help as we are sure the growth and density have too been affected.
  • Do you flat iron or curl you hair, EVER?
      • I know what you’re going to say; “I dont do it very often”. It doesn’t really matter how often you’re using them, it’s more about the temp you’re using when you do it. It only takes one time to burn the hair and then it becomes a vicious cycle. See most of the unmanageable (MOST, not all) comes from damaged hair you are trying to control b/c it looks frizzy or out of control. You pass over with your iron at 425 b/c it makes it so smooth so fast but the reality is it’s making the damage move farther up the hair leaving the cuticle wide open. Then the next day you flat iron again but it seems to be more frizzy today so it takes a little more going over to get control. And so on and so on. TURN DOWN THE HEAT and use a heat protectant. It is crucial to the health of your hair. We recommend 280 to 300* on most hair types. If you hit the hair with a dryer and a brush prior to flat ironing it will actually make the process easier. With the curling iron, prepping the hair with the write products and a solid blow dry too will make it easier and last longer.

Now I know we did mention a few vague products in here. I didn’t want this to be about product I wanted it to be about the source. It’s also a case where hair types and hair goals matter for specific types of products in these situations. 

To learn more about healthy hair care, we always recommend a consultation with your favorite stylist. You can book that here!